Get Your T-Shirt!
The Catrike Factory is bringing T-Shirts!!! Be one of the first 90 ticket buyers and you’ll get one!

TrikeFest 2024 June 15th at Portland Community College

Pacific TrikeFest has a singular goal: introducing folks -regardless of any limitation- to the joy, safety and stability of three wheel cycling!
Come experience a day of 3-wheel fun at Trike Fest! It’s all happening June 15th at Portland Community College. Featuring THIRTY Catrikes ready to roll for an entire day of test-riding. Plus, over 20 exhibitors and advocacy groups. Just click here for an impressive list of participants. Besides feeding your likes for trikes, there will also be hot dogs, drinks, and cake. Even a drawing for a new Catrike Villager! All you have to do is register and show up. An entire crew of RPDX mechanics and experienced volunteers on our automobile-free course will ensure your day is not only fun, but safe too.
So, join hundreds of attendees enjoying a glorious Portland day test riding three wheeled joy!